February 3, 2012


Ms. Angela Carmon, City Attorney

City of Winston-Salem

Post Office Box 2511

Winston-Salem, NC 27102-2511


Dear Ms. Carmon:


On December 1, 2011, Section 21.(b) of Session Law 2011-268 (formerly House Bill 650), became effective, amending N.C. Gen Stats. § 14-415.23 to restrict the areas in which units of local government may prohibit handguns carried in compliance with Article 54B of the North Carolina General Statutes. 


Specifically, local governments may no longer prohibit concealed handguns in parks, except in “recreational facilities that are specifically identified” by ordinance. Recreational facilities are statutorily defined to “include only the following: a playground, an athletic field, a swimming pool, and an athletic facility” (emphasis added).